Dales Discovery 2005
The Annual Slides and Talks for Residents and Visitors
Hawes Methodist Church, Main Street, Wednesdays at 8.00pm
- July 27th The National Trust in the Dales
- Martin Davies; Settle
- August 3rd Wildlife in Yorkshire
- John Hobson; Otley
- August 10th Dales Archaeology – from the air
- Rob White; National Park Authority
- August 17th Flowers of the Dales in their setting
- Margery Daniels; Swaledale
- August 24th A Tour of the Dales
- Malcolm Petyt; Sedbergh
- August 31st The Dales in Slides and Music
- Ken Biggs; Richmond
Each evening includes a selection of slides from these recomended speakers, all experts in their chosen subjects.
The sessions last about an hour to an hour and a quarter.
- Admission £2.00 adults and £1.50 children
Info supplied by Upper Wensleydale Newletter
- For further details contact: Alan S. Watkinson 667785