All lectures are at 7.30pm unless advertised otherwise
Friday 15th February 2013
- “Scenes shows and celebrations in the Dales”
- Jonathan Wooley
Friday 15th March 2013
- “The Reverend James Wilkinson (1805-1866) and the regeneration of Victorian Keld”
- Duncan Blythell
Friday 19th April 2013
- “60 years of Harlow Carr Gardens”
- Angela Hudson
Friday 17th May 2013
- Life in Haworth at the time of the Brontes.”
- Isabel Stirk
Wednesday 19th June 2013
- Visit to the Nidderdale Museum, Pately Bridge.
- Arrange your own transport and meet at the Museum at 2.00pm
- For details and directions phone Sue Foster 01969667424
Friday 19th July 2013
- Gift Day
- Bring your donations and enjoy a social evening and a talk by Viv Metcalf
- “Metcalf History”
Friday 20th September 2013
- “Stainmore Railway”
- Mark Keefe
Friday 18th October 2013
- Annual General meeting
- Followed by a talk by Janet Thompson
- “What’s in Store; interesting finds in the reserve collection.”
Friday 15th November 2013
- ‘Betsy the scullery maid; servant hierarchy in Victorian England’
- Joanne Halliwell