Programme Of Events 2013
Friends Of The Dales Countryside Museum, Hawes
Events and lectures are FREE to friends, except where stated.
Visitors are welcome to attend lectures.
(Admission (£2.00)
All events at 7.30pm at DCM unless otherwise stated
Why not join the Friends
- Annual Subscription £10.00
- With free entrance to the museum and the majority of Friends’ Meetings throughout the year
- Free annual magazine booklet NOW THEN
At The Dales Countryside Museum on Wednesdays at 2.00pm
- 12th December 2012
- 13th March 2013
- 12th June 2013
- 11th September 2013
Local Studies Room
- Open by appointment during 2012
- For details ring 01969 666210
Aims and Objectives of the Friends of the Dales Countryside Museum
- To promote the improvement of the museum
- To raise funds to help in maintaining and enlarging the collection
- To arrange events for the interest and education of the Friends
- Registered Charity No. 519 546
To join the Friends or for more information visit the information desk at the museum or
Dales Countryside Museum,
Station Yard, Hawes,
North Yorkshire DL8 3NT
Tel: 01969 666210