Gayle Mill-Events And Fundraisers

 Gayle Mill 

March 2012

Saturday 10 March (to be confirmed) Traditional Farm-Gate Making Master Class 10.30 am – 4.30 pm
Working with a combination of traditional and modern tools and techniques under the tuition of the Mill’s last apprentice, construct a traditional wooden farm-gate. Learn to mark up, cut and plane rails and palings, construct  mortise and tenon joints, and assembly methods.
£10.00 – Booking required.  Please note the date is provisional.  We are currently taking names of people who are interested before confirming the course.
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email


Monday 12 March to Friday 16 March – National Science and Engineering Week – special events for schools
For more information contact Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

Friday 16 March – Community Archaeology Talk  7.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Hear from Kevin Cale about a day in the life of a community archaeologist – tall tales of a really unusual career.
£3.50 – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

Friday 30 March – Silver and Metals Conservation at the Bowes Museum
7.30 pm – 8.30 pm
Hear about Karen Barker’s project to clean and document the star item of the collection, the Silver Swan.  Seek advice on caring for metal objects in your own home.
£3.50 – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

April 2012

Sunday 1 April Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Saturday 14 April – Introduction to Spinning Yarn & Tassel Making Course
10.30 am – 4.30 pm
Learn how to spin your own yarn using finger spinning and a drop spindle.  The newly made yarn will then be put to good use by making a decorative tassel to take home with you.
£35.00 including light lunch – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

May 2012

Saturday 5 May – Spring Family Fun 10:00 am – Noon
Traditional cord making with wool and cotton threads.  Turn your cord into a spring lamb key ring to take home with you
Drop in – Entry £2.00 (under 5s free)
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

Sunday 6 May – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Saturday 12 May – Boxing clever  Talk 7.30 pm – 8.30 pm
In celebration of National Mills Weekend, join us for an informative evening talk.
How conserving the county’s archival heritage can inform the preservation of a personal collection.  Advice and guidance from Rachel Greenwood, conservator, North Yorkshire County Record Office.
£3.50 – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email
For more information about National Mills Weekend visit

Tuesday 15 May – Crochet Cotton Corsages 10.30 am – 4.30 pm
Once a common place traditional skill, crochet now has an arts and crafts following. Working with cotton and wool fibres, learn from local artist, Stella Adams Schofield, to crochet a decorative corsage to take home with you.
£35.00 including light lunch – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

June 2012

Saturday 2 June – Crotchet and Knitting with the Family 10:00 am  – Noon
Royal celebration weekend – basic crochet and knitting skills.
Make crochet bunting, decorate a crown.  Learn about the textile industry at Gayle Mill and find out how cotton was produced here in the earliest years of the Mill.
Drop in – Entry £2.00
For more information contact Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

Sunday 3 June – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Sunday 24 June (to be confirmed) – Dry Stone Walling 10.30 am – 4.30 pm
Introduction to dry stone walling using traditional methods.  Get hands on rebuilding a wall onsite at Gayle Mill.
£10.00 including light lunch – Booking required.  Please note the date is provisional.  We are currently taking names of people who are interested before confirming the course.
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

July 2012

Sunday 1 July – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Sunday 29July – Introduction to Blacksmithing – Hands-on course 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
Working under Adrian Wood’s expert tuition you learn the basic skills of a blacksmith.  You will make a key ring, decorative hook and toasting fork which will be yours to take home with you.  Throughout the day you will learn the skills required to flatten, point, twist and finish the metal.
£50.00 including light lunch – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

August 2012

Sunday 5 August – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Sunday 26 August – Gayle Guided Walk 11.00 am – 12:30 pm
Join Gaby Rose, Building Conservation Officer for Yorkshire Dales National Park Authority, for a guided walk of the village of Gayle.  Gaby will pick out key examples of historic architecture and discuss how the buildings have changed over time.  Meet at Gayle Mill to start the circular walk, returning to the Mill for complimentary refreshments.
£3.50 including hot drink following the walk – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

September 2012

Sunday 2 September – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

October 2012

Sunday 7 October – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Experience Weekend – The Victorian Saw Mill
Provisional dates Saturday 27 to Sunday 28 October 2012 – 9:30am to 5pm – £250 per person (including light lunch)
For more information go to Hands-on Courses

Wednesday 31 October – Halloween Family Fun 10:30 – 16:30
For more information contact Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

November 2012

Friday 2 November – A Forester’s Travels in Brazil Illustrated Talk 7:30 pm 
Join forester, John Cumberland, for this exciting slide show covering highlights from John’s two trips to Brazil.  During the talk, you will see images from the Jari project in the Amazon delta (a 5 million acre area of natural forest); the Fernando de Noronha Islands off the coast of Brazil (a marine nature reserve); the World Heritage sites of Salvador and Iguassu Falls (at 4 kilometres wide, the largest cataract in the world) and the Pantanal (a wild life reserve) and Rio de Janeiro. This talk provides a unique window into exotic forests of Brazil and their flora and fauna, along with John’s personal anecdotes of this trip.  This will be an adventure not to be missed!
£3.50 entry including hot drink on arrival – Booking required
To make a booking or to find out more, call Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

Sunday 4 November – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Saturday 24 November Christmas Fayre 10:30 am – 4:30 pm
Get in some early Christmas shopping and browse our range of handmade wooden products and textile goods.  The Mill is a perfect place to find an unusual gift while knowing that all proceeds from sales go back into the charities Gayle Mill Trust and the Friends of Gayle Mill.  Children can enjoy seasonal craft activities, have go in the lucky dip present box and warm up with a cup of hot Ribena.
£2.00 entry (including seasonal refreshments

December 2012

Sunday 2 December – Demonstration Tour 11.00 and 14;30
For more information go to Visiting the Mill

Monday 10 December – Thursday 20 December – Victorian Christmas Cards – special workshops for schools
For more information contact Samantha Belcher on 01969 667320 or email

Gayle Mill

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For more information visit the Gayle Mill web site (in a new window)


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