Halloween Party 2006 Sycamore Hall

What a feast

Nearly all the food was produced by staff and residents. Dylis made some super fudge, Willa made parkin, Liz excelled as usual with her take on truffles, great big things with legs coming out of them. Ugly but gorgeous. Buns baked by Angela but iced into cobwebs by day centre members.

Brewing boglin and apple stew. Electrics by Brian


Believe it or not, these spiders took ages to make using the pom pom method. Legs were dyed by Willa, a very messy job and the stage setting for the beasties was done by Pat Whitehead aided and abetted by Mary Johnson and Ken Lawson.

Getting Ready

We’re a couple of swells

We’re sweller than you

Let the activities commence

Love the new hairdo Karen

David capturing the moment

Our Mary a pussycat.

This costume like Betty’s was entirely home made the cat having a three and a half foot tail. Mary won second prize in the competition. Thank you Mary for being such a sport.

Mrs Betty Grass

Betty won the fancy dress competition. She also spent weeks in her makeshift recording studio at Sycamore Hall Bainbridge recording an incredible amount of music and special effects, wonderfully spooky. She finished with a recording from Sir John Guilegood famous actor reciting the hanged man. A fantastic effort and in future years we will be able to use it again as Betty has donated a copy.

Our Willa busy as usual

Dylis, Lucy and Phyllis investigate.

Dylis’s ghostbuster costume won third prize.

A new take on bobbing for apples

A bit naughty with this one. We told everyone that they would be bobbing for apples and if needed to bring their fixodent on the day. In reality we collected together some helping hands to get the apples out. It proved much more difficult than we thought.At one point it took three people to grab one apple but a lot of fun was had by all.

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