Red Squirrel seen at Woodhall-Askrigg (Diary) see below
Wow! It is 17.55 pm on Tuesday 31st July 2012. Have just seen our very first red squirrel at Woodhall just 3 miles from Aysgarth. White chest and cream bushy tail. Astonishing!
Back on Thursday 2nd August at 6pm Arrived again Friday 3rd August at 5.50pm Saturday arrived early 16.30 just prior to a torrential storm. Came back at 17.50 and stayed 10 mins.
Sunday and Monday we did not see it. We may have been watching the Olympics.
Tuesday evening August 7th arrived at 17.15 and stayed for about 20 mins.
Wednesday 8th August arrived at 9.30 am. This is the first morning visit.
The squirrel is now a regular visitor at least twice a day a.m. and p.m.
Sunday 12th August.. We can see why the red squirrel is so popular.
The feeding box that Brian made is now well used by the squirrel. We have put hazelnuts in it. He just lifts the lid and takes them out.
Our neighbours had a huge garden party with a terrifyingly loud firework display fired straight up into the trees just above the bird feeding station. There has been no more sighting of the squirrel. He must have moved on.
Most of the birds have come back but we are worried about the nuthatches as they had just fledged a new family. At present we have had only one sighting for a few seconds on the bird house.
The nuthatches are now all back. Still no squirrels at the moment.