These photographs were taken in the summer of 2004 on a gloriously sunny afternoon. It’s just a snapshot in time as a record of how Sycamore Close used to be.
The photographs were all taken by Brian Kershaw.
Front view of the bungalows to the right of the main entrance.
The passageway leads through to the back
of the buildings and drying area.
A back view of part of the bungalows.
a long shot looking back to the bungalows and drying area.
View taken along the front from the main entrance.
Long shot taken round the back of the bungalows
looking towards the conservatory.
A tranquil summers’ afternoon.
December 6th 2004
These buildings were in the first phase and have now been demolished.
For more information look at Sycamore Close Rebuild
December 6th 2004
The next group of photographs are of Sycamore Close Sheltered Housing
development second phase.
These flats are all occupied at the present time. The people who live here will move into the new Bainbridge Extra Care Housing Scheme in December or earlier, 2005.
This photograph is taken from the main entrance
looking along the front left-hand side of the building.
This is the main entrance and bin store.
This photograph shows the laundry and the
conservatory around the back,
where the tomatoes are grown each year.
Passage between the flats.
The main flats taken from the back of the building.
Main block of flats taken from the front of the site.
Upstair flats and the communal lounge downstairs.
The lounge is where we hold Sycamore Close Day Centre.
Wednesday and Friday 10.30am. until 3.30pm.
Here are a couple of snapshots
from the back of the current buildings
If you click on Sycamore Sheltered Housing Interior 2004
you can see a selection of photographs taken from the inside of the building.