The Benefice Peace And Justice Group

St Andrews Parish Church Aysgarth
Dates For Your Diary
Prayer List

I, Jayne Foster, St. Mary’s Church. Redmire was one of the founder members of the group, which Sue instigated shortly after coming to the Benefice in 1996.

I would like to share with you a short review on the work of the group. The group has dwindled in numbers over the years but we are very well supported by the congregations of the churches when we are running an event.

Our main aim is to keep the congregations informed and bring awareness of Peace and Justice issues and encourage people to be actively involved.

The group uses mostly resources from Christian Aid, they have a very good office in Leeds, website and I am on a mailing list – the material is very user friendly and eye catching. If you want to join in with a petition or letter writing to governments – it is simple – pre-prepared cards to just sign and post off or sample letters to copy and add your own bits. So please when you next have the opportunity to do something you are not alone – many snowflakes make an avalanche. You can make a huge difference to the lives of the world’s poorest people – we have a part to play in challenging injustice and inequality.

Since the Benefice enlarged we have not attracted any new members – so we are continuing small but try to let the other churches know what is going on and campaigns that they can join in with.

Marion Baines continues to work very hard as the Benefice Fairtrader selling a wide range of goods and gift catalogues are available. Marion attends various events and churches with her stall. Selling Fairtrade goods has been a very successful venture bringing further awareness of issues to our community so a big thank you for the work Marion puts into this.

Over the years we have organised services for Redmire, Aysgarth and Thornton Rust, we have invited speakers to come who are involved with the work of Christian Aid. Lyndsey Pearson has been on several occasions to tell us about her visits to Christian Aid Projects abroad which gives a real insight into how peoples lives are been transformed and ask that your prayers and financial support continues.

One of the more successful yearly campaigns is the Shepherds purse Christmas Appeal – when shoeboxes are lovingly filled with a selection of goodies for children in need all over the world.

Individuals and groups from the W.I. have filled boxes. Each Christmas greeting cards are sent to prisoners of conscience to over 7 countries we use an address list by Christian Solidarity World Wide.

Catalogues for Christmas Gifts with a difference are placed in the churches. A Gift today that last beyond tomorrow – you can buy from a cow to a can of worms! And hearing from Lyndsey what a can of worms can do it is well worth it.

People from across the Benefice get involved with one are more events please look out for what is happening and you will be made more than welcome.

Praise be to God and Father of Our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of compassion and the God of Comfort, who comforts us in our troubles, so that we can comfort those in any trouble with the comfort we ourselves have received from God. 2 Corinthians 1: 3-4

The Benefice Peace and Justice Group

meets once a month on Wednesday evening at The Vicarage
We have been involved with various projects and supported several charities

  • prayer vigils
  • selling Fair Trade food items
  • writing letters to MPs and world leaders
  • signing petitions
  • greeting cards to prisoners of conscience
  • Send a Cow
  • visiting speakers who have visited Christian Aid projects in South Africa and Sri Lanka
  • bringing awareness to the Benefice

New Members are always welcome to any of our meetings, now that the Benefice has expanded,
new dates, time and venue can be changed!

  • Note new office telephone number 663097

Please send any information for next pew sheet or newsletter to Christine Gard (Benefice Secretary) c/o The Vicarage, Carperby, Leyburn DL8 4DQ
or e-mail

Marian Baines of Carperby, 663334 runs the Fair Trade Stall, she sells goods once a month at Aysgarth Church, Castle Bolton and The Wednesday Club Redmire she would be happy to come to Preston, Wensley or West Witton. Marian is happy to take orders so just give her a ring!

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