The Board of Guardians from the local workhouse at Bainbridge1907 1922 and 1930
(In each group the photographs have been restored and split into three or four groups)
1922 Aysgarth Board of Guardians
Left of photo
Top row
Middle row
J.B. Fawcett T. Sayer J. Whalley (Surveyor) J.W.G. Smith
Bottom row
Miss Hiscock (attendant)
Rev. F.M. Squibb (chaplain)
Middle of photo
top row
J. Lambert (Sanitary Inspector)
D.D. Atkinson J.T. Leyland J.A. Willis R. Grainger
Middle row
T.H. Hall (treasurer) W.C. Metcalfe A.T. Storey (clerk)
F. Hiscock (Master)
Bottom row
J. Wharton (Vice Chairman) W. Kirkbride (Chairman) C. Thompson
Right of photo
Top row
W. Moore Dr. W.M. McFarlane (Medical Officer) Dr. Dean. Dunbar (Medical Officer) R. Allen
Middle row
G. Metcalfe J.W. Blakey (Relieving Officer) C. Jones J.W. Cowperthwaite Dr. W.N. Pickles (Medical Officer)
Bottom row
C Thompson J.R. Metcalfe
T. Dinsdale Mrs. Hiscock (Matron)
The front of photo
Top row
J. Wharton (Vice Chairman)
W. Kirkbride (Chairman)
C. Thompson J.R. Metcalfe
Front row
J.J.C. Lodge E. Brown
1930 Aysgarth Board of Guardians
Left of photo
Top Row
W.J.Metcalfe, W.M. Chapman, R.M. Cloughton.
Middle Row
A.B. Harland (Treasurer), J.R. Sayer, E.A. Dinsdale, Mrs.T. Fawcett (Assistant Matron), A. Lambert
Bottom Row
J.Weatherald, Miss R. Welburn(Attendant), A.T. Storey (Late Clerk).
Middle of Photo
Top Row
J.B. Fawcett, J. Sayer, J. Sunter, J. Moore, J.Metcalfe
Middle Row
W.Balderston, J.W.G. Smith, C.M. Fawcett, Dr. Hill, M.Jubb (Surveyor).
Bottom Row
J. Furnish, R. Allen (Vice-chairman), J.T. Leyland (Chairman), E. Brown (Vice chairman District Council)
Right of photo
Top Row
J.Moore, R. Preston, Dr. D. Dunbar.
Middle Row
J.W. Blakey (Relieving Officer), Mrs R.L. Morton (drill instructor), T. Fawcett (Assistant Master), J.B. Mc Clurg.
Bottom Row
F. Hiscock (Master), Mrs. M.E. Hiscock (Matron) W.C. Metcalfe, Rev J.H.S. Bayley (Chaplain).