YDYAC Programme 2009
This year we plan to look in depth at Prehistoric archaeology, evidence and settlements. We will as usual provide a mix of meeting types and hope to see as many of you as possible. This programme may change but you will receive a letter prior to each meeting confirming what is coming up next.
- January 10th Prehistoric Art (DCM)
- February 7th Prehistoric Death & Burial (DCM)
- March 7th Prehistoric Landscapes (Site Visit) Rock Art
- April 25th Monuments at Risk (Site Visit)
- May 9th Finds Day Middleham Castle
- June 6th Building a Long Barrow (DCM)
- July 4th Stone Circles
- September 12th Merton Park Viking Day Annual Trip
- October 10th Iron Age Roundhouses Part 1 (DCM)
- November 7th Textiles (DCM)
- December 12th A Pagan Christmas (DCM)
All meetings are at the DCM from 10a.m. unless otherwise stated.
Please see specific meeting letters for details
Yorkshire Dales Young Archaeologists Club
Launched on Saturday 24th June 2006 at the Dales Countryside Museum Hawes
Have you ever wondered what secrets lay beneath your feet? Ever gazed at an old building wondering what story the stones might tell? Ever watched Time Team and thought you could discover as much as Tony and his pals? Well, from June 2006, if you’re aged between 8 and 16 you could join the Yorkshire Dales Young Archaeologists Club (YDYAC) – and begin to make the discoveries yourself. Based at the Dales Countryside Museum (DCM) in Hawes, and affiliated to the Council for British Archaeology, the YDYAC hopes to educate and fascinate, introducing young people to the incredible variety and scope that is modern archaeology. On Saturday June 24th from 10.00am till 4.OOpm children (and their families) will be able to come along and see just what the YDYAC is all about. The attractions on offer include;
- Historic food demonstration and tasting
- A coil pot ceramics workshop
- Roman pottery handling collection
- An exhibition of artwork by local children
- A logo competition
We will also be able to give people further details of YAC membership, sign them up to the club and provide them with a timetable of planned future events.
The Club Leader, Keith Webster, an ex-archaeologist with experience of excavation across London and the South East, along with Fiona Rosher and Debbie Allen of the DCM Hawes, see this as a prime opportunity to combine their joint interests in archaeology, history and education, and to bring a greater understanding of archaeology to a fresh and keen audience.
Membership costs just £12 for a year which includes a quarterly magazine and special member discounts at archaeological sites.
Meetings will not always be at the DCM at Hawes – the club will be doing lots of fieldwork and so venues will vary with the content of the meetings.
In our first six months we plan to look at the processes of archaeological investigation before actually digging in the summer of 2007.