December2008 / January 2009
Courtesy of the Upper Wensleydale Newsletter
January 2009
- 2nd Wensleydale Society “Cottage gardens and flowers’ W. Burton 7.30pm
- 6th Hawes Drama Group reads “The Cruise”. Gayle Institute at 7.30pm
- 17th History of Swaledale through objects from the Swaledale Folk Museum by Helen Bainbridge. Hawes Methodist Rooms at 2.15pm.
A Yorkshire Dales Society event; all are welcome.
- 30th Sensational Silk `n Snowball. Simonstone Hall. 667192 or 666004 for details.
- 31 Coffee morning at Carperby Institute I O.00am to noon. Proceeds for Diabetics Research and St Andrew’s church.
- 31 Aysgarth Singers concert at Middleham Methodist Church 7.30pm
December 2008
- 2nd Spinning a yarn in the concourse of the DCM between 2.00 and 4.00pm
- 2nd Hawes Drama Group, Gayle Institute, 7.30pm
- 3rd Free First Aid training at Wensleydale Centre, Askrigg.
- 4th Wensleydale Country Market. Methodist Hall, Leyhurn 10.00 to 11.30am
- 5th Wensleydale Society “Postal History of the Dales” by Dr P Annison at West Burton Village Hall at 7,30pm
- 5th Domino Drive at Sycamore Hall. 6.30pm start. All welcome. Refreshments.Organised by Bainbridge school.
- 5th Hawes Playgroup Domino Drive 6.30pm
- 6th Free First Aid training at Wensleydale Centre, Askrigg.
- 6th Hawes Christmas Festival.
- 6th/7th Dales Countryside Museum Christmas Bazaar
- 6th/7th Santa Specials on Wensleydale Railway. 08454 505474 for details
- 8th/11th and 13th The Pied Piper Panto at the Market House, Hawes
- 9th YDNPA Planning Committee. Yoredale, Bainbridge at 10.30am
- 10th East Witton Male Voice Choir concert at Middleham Methodist Church at 7.30pm. In aid of Action for Children
- 10th Little Red Bus theatre journey to Richmond from Hawes. 01748 825252 for reservations
- 11th Domino drive. Green Dragon Hardraw 8.30pm. £2 includes supper.
- 12th Dales Old Time Dance Club Christmas Dance. 7.00 for 7.30pm until 12.30am. Bring and share supper. West Burton Village Hall
- 13th Domino Drive in Redmire Village Hall at 7.00pm. Adults £3, child £1.50 on door. For Redmire Village Hall.
- 13th/14th Santa Specials on Wensleydale Railway. 08454 505474 for details
- 14th “Talents Table” at St Andrew’s, Aysgarth during service time. items made and offered for sale welcome. The Penhill Benefice
- 14th Trafford Centre trip from Hawes. 667192 for details and to book.
- 14th Little Red Bus theatre journey to Richmond from Hawes. 01748 825252 for reservations
- 15th Askrigg WI soup lunch in the back room of the village hail.
- 15th Fitness Classes at Yorbridge Sports and Fitness cease ’till New Year
- 16th Coffee Morning and Stalls at Hawes Methodist rooms. 10.O0am to noon
- 17th&18th Little Red Bus theatre journey to Richmond from Hawes. 01748 825252 for reservations
- 18th Wensleydale Country Market. Methodist Hall, Leybum. 10.00 to 11.30am
- 19th Annual Christmas Charity Band concert in Market House, Hawes
- 19th Christmas whist drive at Thoralby Village Hall. 7.30pm
- 19th Mulled Wine and Entertainment at West Wilton village hall. 7.00pm. Tickets at door.
- 20th Christmas Domino Drive £2 plus raffle at Carperby Village hall at 7.30pm
- 20th Children’s party and `Mad Day After’ party at Yorebridge Sports and Fitness.
- 20th/24th Santa Specials on Wensleydale Railway. 08454 505474 for details
- 22nd Christmas domino drive at Thoralby Village Hall. 7.30pm
- 23rd Christmas Whist Drive £2 plus raffle at Carperby village hall at 7.30pm
- 26th Dec to Jan 4th Wensleydale Railway guided walks from Redmire or Leybum. 08454 505474 for details
- 29th Children’s party for Askrigg village children in the village hall
- 31st Fireworks at the Fox and Hounds, West Wilton. Late evening!
The Dales