The Upper Dales WEA is a branch of the Workers’ Educational Association, the UK’s largest voluntary provider of adult learning.
WEA 2008
A general introduction to British Archaeology
areas of interest will include
- Early settlement
- Ritual
- Religion
- Death and Burial in prehistory
- Starts : Wednesday 24th September
- Duration : 9 weeks with a field trip
- Time 7.00pm – 9.00pm
- Venue: Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge
- Fees: Full £55.00, Concessionary £50.00, Claimants £2.00
- enrolment is either by telephone or at the first session of the course
- For further information and/or to enrol please telephone:-
- Jane Clarke on 01969624393
Following the plot – Ways of enjoying music more
- An appreciation course of mainly Classical Music
- Tutor Professor David Blake
- Starts : Wednesday 30th April
- Followed by: 7th, 14th,and 28th May and 4th June
- Venue: Sycamore Hall, Bainbridge
- Enrolement: By telephone or at the first session
- Fees: Full £25.00, Concessionary £22.50, Claimants £2.00
For further information and/or to enrol please telephone:-
- Jane Clarke on 01969624393
WEA 2007
Your Village Roots
Nearly all present Wensleydale villages were in place by, or in the middle ages.
Evidence of early habitation, both in literature and on the ground, remain to this day.
How, where and when to uncover such evidence is to be the object of 4 one day Saturday Workshops with indoor lectures in the village hall from 10am to 12 noon, followed by field visits from 2pm to 5pm
The course is organised by the Upper dales WEA and lead by Steve Moorhouse who will illustrate the theme “Villages in Wensleydale” with specific reference and visits to
- Wensley Village on 6th October
- Carperby Village on the 20th October
- West Burton Village on 27th October
- Thornton Rust Village on 3rd of November
These are all sites that Steve has extensively studied.
Fees for the entire series are
- full fee £50
- Concessionary £45
- Claimants £2
It will also be possible to enrol for either the first two or the last two sessions for half the full fee.
- For information and booking telephone Jane Clark 01969 624393
Environment Friendly Farming – Tutor Frank Broughton
How farming, both traditional and current green options, defines local rural landscape and wildlife.
This short course is intended for anyone who has an interest in rural landscapes and wildlife, whether or not they have any previous knowledge of farming or any other rural land management.
We will look at a number of land uses, concentrating on those most common in Wensleydale (grassland, woodland and moorland) and consider how these were created under the Government’s “green” farming schemes (“Environmental Stewardship”).
As well as indoor sessions, there will be a number of outside visits to nearby sites where students will be able to see for themselves the results of different types of management. Field visits will involve short walks but nothing strenuous.
Askrigg Primary School East End 7.00pm to 9.00pm
A series of seven lectures including field trips.
- Wed 2nd May
- Wed 9th May
- Wed 23rd May
- Wed 6th June
- Wed 12th June
- Wed 20th June
- Enrolment Full Fee £28, £23 concessionary, £2 claimants
For further information and/or enrolment please contact Jane Clarke (01969 624393); Jill Fox (01969 663706) or Frank Broughton (01748 811507)
WEA 2006
AGM 2006
- Askrigg Village Hall
- Thursday 26th October at 7.00pm
- Followed at 7.30pm by :
- a talk and slides entitled Around the World in 700 days
- by Graham and Mary Watts
WEA 2006
Codes and Ciphers
Tutor David Wooley
Ever since man could write, people have wanted to pass on secret messages.
Using encrypting methods from ancient times to the present day, computer programmes, prepared documentation and demonstrations, the course will bring together some of the past and current methods used to write secret messages.
Wherever possible, the use and value of a particular code or cipher will be placed within the context of the events of its time, including the present day.
Although historical events were often of a serious nature it is intended that the course should provide the opportunity for more lighthearted code and cipher making and breaking, with weekly competitions for those wanting further challenges.
- Askrigg Primary School East End
- 7.00pm to 9.00pm
A series of seven lectures
- Wed 18th Oct
- Wed 1st Nov
- Wed 8th Nov
- Wed 15th Nov
- Wed 22nd Nov
- Wed 29th Nov
Full Fee £28
For further information or enrolment please contact Dennis Brown 01969 663280 /
or Jane Clarke 624393
Who Lived in Your House
by Robert David
A course designed to help you investigate the history of your house and the people who lived there.
The course will be on two Saturdays with a break in between to allow individual research prior to the second session.
- Askrigg Primary School, East End
- Saturday 6th May -10.00am to late afternoon, approximately 4.00pm
- Saturday 10th June – the same time applies
- Fees approx. £20 full and £16 concessionary
For further information or enrolment please contact Dennis Brown 01969 663280 /
AGM 2005
Followed at 7.30pm by :
ANNE HOLUBECKI – a talk on the TURNPIKE (old Roman Road)
A slide illustrated story of the making, use and local tales of the Lancaster Bainbridge Richmond turnpike built on the route of the Roman Road.
- Residents and Visitors are cordially invited to this open session
- Entrance £1.50 (Adult); £0.50 (Under 16s)
- For further information tel: Dennis Brown (01969) 663280
Next Course
Women and family 1850 – 1950 by Janet Bishop
A series of 7 lectures every Wednesday from 12th Oct to 7th December exclusive of Wed 26th Oct.
- Wed 12th Oct
- Wed 19th Oct
- Wed 2nd Nov
- Wed 9th Nov
- Wed 16th Nov
- Wed 23rd Nov
- Wed 30th Nov
- Wed 7th Dec
Fees: £29.50 full, £23 concessionary (student or over 60)
For further information or enrolment please contact Dennis Brown 01969 663280 /
or Janet Bishop (01748 884854)
Last Course
- Dales Birds
- A series of six lectures by Colin Straker on Dales Birds, commencing Wednesday 27th April 2005 at Askrigg Primary school, East End.
Some Previous Courses
- Medieval Landscape
- Family Surnames
- Window on Cosmology
- Farming Conservation
- Astronomy
- Geology
- Traditional Houses
- Industrial Archeology
- Great People of the North
- Yorkshire 1770-1780
- Historic Gardens